Free or Reduced Lunch Application Open, School Nutrition Launches New Nutrition Platform


    North Rowan Middle School 2020-2021 Annual Title I Meeting

    Parents and families watch to learn about Title I and how Title I benefits our school! Please use this agenda to make sure you listen for all the important features of how Title I affects your student. After viewing, please complete the quick survey at this link.

    Free or Reduced Lunch Application Open, School Nutrition Launches New Nutrition Platform

    Jeanie McDowell
    The beginning of the school year is just around the corner, and it’s time to begin thinking about your child’s meal options for this school year.

    School lunches will not be free to all students this year due to the end of the federal waivers that supported this initiative during the pandemic. If a child needs free or reduced lunch, parents must fill out a Free and Reduced Lunch form on the news Titan Family PortalTitan Family Portal It is confidential and is the quickest way to apply for Free and Reduced lunch benefits, but paper copies are still available at all schools if families cannot fill out an online application.

    We will continue to provide universal breakfast to all students at no cost, and no-cost meals will still be provided to all students at Rowan-Salisbury Schools’ (RSS) Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Schools: Hanford-Dole Elementary, Henderson Independent High, Hurley Elementary, Isenberg Elementary, Knox Middle, Koontz Elementary, Landis Elementary, North Rowan Elementary, North Rowan High, and Overton Elementary.

    RSS is also launching a new platform for school nutrition, called the Titan Family Portal. It can be used to view weekly menus, manage your student's meal account (payments, low-balance alerts, and transfer funds between family members), and apply for Free & Reduced Meals.

    They Titan Family Portal also have an app called Titan Family Connect, which can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store.



