- West Rowan High School
- Agriculture & Farm to Table Academy
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Learn industry-based skills in agriculture with focuses available in animal science, horticulture and agricultural mechanics. Take your agricultural knowledge to the next level in our farm-to-table program by learning how to cultivate, prepare, design and market meals using fresh and home-grown ingredients in a commercial restaurant environment. Join students with like-interests and career goals by participating in award-winning organizations such as Future Farmers of America (FFA) and Family Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
Industry Credentials
- NC Hunter Safety Course
- National SafeTractor
- Certified Welding
- NC Beef Quality Assurance
- NC Poultry Quality Assurance
- OSHA 10-hour general industry certification
- ServSafe
- ANSI-Accredited Food Protection Manager Certification
- ANSI-Accredited Food Handler Certificate
ANIMAL SCIENCE Animal science teaches us about anatomy, terminology, nutrition, and care practices for large animals. It also introduces us to careers in the field.
- Jessie Cline
ENVIRONMENTAL AND NATURAL RESOURCES STUDIES The Environmental and Natural Resources class allows us to explore the different types of natural resources while also learning about how we can positively affect our environment.
- Robby Cogburn
HORTICULTURE In horticulture we get to learn about plant and soil science, and also get to produce real horticultural crops hands-on in the greenhouse.
- Dillon Simpson
AGRISCIENCE This class serves as an introduction to all areas of agriculture, while also teaching us about parliamentary procedure, as well as the history of the FFA.
- Nathan Winecoff
AGRICULTURE MECHANICS Agricultural Mechanics introduces us to welding, mechanics, electrification, concrete, and construction, while we're also learning about tools and equipment.
- Josh Corriher
EQUINE SCIENCE In equine science we learn about the history of horsemanship, uses for horses, breeding practices, equine business management, and basic care skills for horses!
- Parker Greene
FLORICULTURE New Course for Fall 2023 - Students will study ornamental horticulture concerned with growing and marketing flowers and ornamental plants as well as with flower arrangements.
MARKETING/TOURISM & HOSPITALITY There is always something new to learn about businesses and brands. We do a lot of group activities that gives us a lot of hands-on experience.
-Alexis Harvey
SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTUREThe course focuses on farming in sustainable ways meeting society's present food and textile needs, without compromising the ability for current or future generations to meet their needs.
CULINARY ARTS We learn all about the food industry and not just the cooking aspect.
-Sarah Steele
- NC Hunter Safety Course
- National SafeTractor
- Certified Welding
- NC Beef Quality Assurance
- NC Poultry Quality
- OSHA 10-hour general
- Carolina Certified Plant
- NC Private Pesticide
- ServSafe
- Advanced Customer Service & Sales
- Certified Guest Service Professional
- Fundamentals Marketing Concepts
- ANSI-Accredited Food Protection Manager Certification
- ANSI-Accredited Food Handler Certificate
Any student may apply to WRHS Farm to Table Academy regardless of their current district.
For more information about joining our Farm to Table Academy, you should meet with a guidance counselor to determine if our academy aligns with your goals for high school and beyond.
The forms you need can be found here:
West Rowan High School
8050 NC Hwy 801
Mt. Ulla, NC 28125
(704) 278-9233 -
Students from West Rowan High School’s FFA Chapter attended the National FFA Conference on Oct 24-29, 2022. The students brought home a number of individual and team awards and the school’s FFA Chapter was recognized as a Three Star National Chapter.
Josh Shaver won the National Forest Management and Products Proficiency Award.
Blake Moore was a national finalist for the Agriculture Mechanics Repair and Maintenance Proficiency Award.
Alex Bouk won a Gold Individual in Employment Skills CDE.
MacKenna Clifton, a 2020 West Rowan High School alumna, was elected the National FFA Southern Region Vice President. She is the first-ever female national officer from North Carolina and the first national officer from the state in 25 years. She’s also the first national officer ever from Rowan County.
The Agricultural Communications team won National Bronze. Team members include Melanie Greer, Brinley Batts, Samantha Simon and Savannah Meadows.
The Agricultural Issues team won National Silver. Team members include Andrew Mead, Cece Watkins, Blake Moore, Grace Holshouser, Myra Agnant, Kendall Bowser and Karsen Simpson.
The Meats Evolution and Technology Team won National Bronze. Team members include Lexi Hagler, Ben Starnes, Mason Lee and Karley Clawson.
National Association of Agriculture Educations Conference
National Region 5 Winner for 2022 NAAE Outstanding Middle/Secondary Program Award
National Region 5 Winner for Outstanding Early Career Teacher Award - Victoria Cardea
High School Academies offer specialized curricula and courses and are aligned to specific career pathways.
Rising ninth grade students who are unable to obtain academies or concentrations in their regularly assigned school, may apply to another school within RSS in order to enroll in a program of study or academy not offered at their school. Transfers into high school academies for rising ninth graders will be granted on a space available basis, with students in the academy host school given first opportunity for enrollment in the academy. Academies Transfer Info can be found HERE
General information about academies is below. For more detailed Academy Information and requirements, please contact a guidance counselor at the respective high school.