- Morgan Elementary School
- Kindergarten
Kindergarten Information
Welcome To Morgan
Dear Parents,
Welcome to kindergarten at Morgan Elementary School! Kindergarten is a big step in a child’s life. We hope this guide will prove to be helpful to you as we begin our partnership in educating your child. We hope this will be an enjoyable experience for your child and that he/she will learn many new things. In order for your child to have a successful year, it takes a lot of cooperation between parents and teachers. Let’s work together to ensure that your child will have happy learning experiences. If at any time, you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or set up an appointment for a conference. Again, welcome to Morgan, and we look forward to working with you!
Morgan Elementary Kindergarten Team
704-636-0169 (school)
Our school day begins at 8:30 a.m. Each afternoon, students are released at 3:30 p.m. Students may not enter the building until 8:00 a.m. In order for your student to make it to their class by 8:30 it is helpful for them to arrive by 8:20 a.m. Please remember that both late arrivals and early dismissals are considered a tardy. It is essential that all students arrive at school on time and stay the full day so that we may stay on task and learn all kindergarten material by the end of the school year.
If your child is absent for any reason, send a note with your child when he/she returns from the absence. These notes are kept on file in the office. The note should include:
- The teacher’s name
- The child’s first and last name
- The date of the absence
- The reason for the absence
- Your signature
If your child does not bring a note, it is considered an unexcused absence.
At this time, no visitors are allowed in the school building due to safety restrictions.
The policy regarding medications stipulates that medicines are to be placed in a locked cabinet in our school office. Parents who need us to administer medicines will need to fill out a medication form in the office—even if it is for just one day. Medicines have to be in the original container. Please do not send medicine with your child. Call the office to set up an appointment to bring in medicine.
During the first week of school your child will be given a tag to attach to his/her book bag with transportation information on it, whether bus, or car. Your child should keep the tag on their bookbag. If your child is going home by a different form of transportation, send a note with your child. We do not allow your child to relay the message verbally. Parents are not allowed to call the school or send a message via Remind or Seesaw. We will not make changes without a handwritten message from you. This is for your child’s protection. If your child will be a car rider at any time during the year, you must get a car rider tag from the office staff. Place this tag on your car mirror. You must have the car tag present in the car rider line. If you do not have the tag you must pick up the child in the front office.
Please label items your child brings to school with his/her first and last name (book bags, jackets, sweaters, lunch boxes, etc. ). Items that are labeled make it easier to return to your child if lost.
Parents may send individually wrapped small snacks of your child’s choice for birthdays. Juice boxes or bottled water are best for drinks. The Rowan-Salisbury School System Wellness policy states that all food sent to school must be prepackaged from the grocery store. NO HOMEMADE ITEMS! Please coordinate the date with your teacher. We are only able to hand out birthday invitations if the entire class is to be invited.
At this time breakfast and lunch are free to all students! When students exit the car rider line or bus, they will have an opportunity to pick up breakfast and take it to their classroom. Staff members will assist with this process. Kindergarten students will eat lunch in the cafeteria each day.
It is important that we are able to get in touch with you (or a family member) while your child is at school. We never know when your child could become ill or when there could be a situation that we would need you immediately. Please help by keeping us informed of any work numbers, emergency numbers, and cell phone numbers. If any of these numbers should change throughout the year, a form from the office will need to be completed in order for this to be processed in the school database.
Please go over our PBIS matrix. with your child.
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) is used throughout Morgan Elementary. Each classroom has a “star chart,” and each student has a magnet with his/her number on it. Students begin on level 3 every morning, with 3 being expected school wide behavior. Students may “move up” or “move down” during the day depending on behavior (in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, special classes, etc). If he/she has to move up or down during the day, it will be noted by your child’s teacher. Children staying on 3 (or above) for the entire week will be able to visit the class treasure box on Friday afternoon.
Click HERE to Register
Enrollment information: All students must have the following in order to enroll:
PROOF OF DOMICILE: This can be shown by way of a utility bill (within the last 30 days), Social Services financial assistance documentation, rental/lease/purchase agreement (within the last 30 days), or current contractor agreement. Please make sure that parents’ and/or guardians’ name and street address are visible, and current date.
BIRTH CERTIFICATE/SOCIAL SECURITY: If your child is enrolling in kindergarten or this is the first enrollment in a public school this year, you will need a certified copy of his/her birth certificate and his/her social security card. (Must be 5 years of age on or before August 31st, 2021)
HEALTH ASSESSMENT FORM: By North Carolina State Law your child must have a physical assessment and the health assessment form must be completed and signed by a physician within twelve months prior to the first day of school.
MEDICATION FORM: If your child takes daily medication for asthma, seizures, diabetes, etc. or any kind of medication during the year, we must have the medication form completed, signed by a physician and returned to school. You must personally bring medication to the school and pick up medication. We cannot send or receive medication through book bags.
PREVIOUS SCHOOL INFORMATION: If your child has attended a preschool or a different K-12 school, please provide records.