

    What Makes a Lunch?

    • USDA Requires that all K-12 students select 3-5 of the offered components.
    • Our lunches are comprised of Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein and Milk.
    • One of the components selected must be a Fruit or a Vegetable.

    What is the Charge Policy?

    Can I pay by check?

    • Rowan-Salisbury SchoolsSchool Nutrition Services can only accept checks written in blue or black ink. Checks will not be accepted if they are written in pencil, neon or any colored ink, other than blue or black. Our financial institution has advised us that writing checks in ink, other than blue or black, may cause important data not to image properly when it is processed by the Proof Department.
    • Return Check Fee: Rowan-Salisbury Schools School Nutrition Services will assess a $5.00 fee for all returned checks.

    Can I prepay for my child's lunch?

    You may pay by cash or check at your child's school or you may pay online through our partner Linq Connect.

    How can I track the balance in my child's account?

    You can use Titan Family Portal to monitor your student's account and you can set up an alert to let you know when the account is low.

    What Happens to Excess Funds on My Child's Account at the End of the Year?

    Excess money on a student's account remains on the students account, unless a parent submits a request in writing for a refund. If the student is promoting from elementary to middle or middle to high school the funds will follow the student. If a student moves and enrolls in another school within Rowan-Salisbury Schools District, the funds will also follow the student. However, if a student moves out of district or out of state, Parent will need to submit a request for refund in writing.

    How do I request a refund?

    RSS School Nutrition will provide refunds upon parent request when a students account has a positive balance. All requests must be submitted in writing either to the School Nutrition Manager at your child's school or directly to the School Nutrition office.

    NOTE: Our school cafeterias can not refund money from their school site. All refunds must be processed via written check through the RSS School Nutrition Office on Main Street, Salisbury.