- Retirement
We are here to help you plan for your future. We support our dedicated staff as they transition into retirement. We have a dedicated Employee Relations and Benefits Specialist on staff to answer your questions and provide the tools you need to make decisions about your future.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access my ORBIT account?
Visit https://orbit.myncretirement.com/ to set up your Orbit account after you receive your first pay stub. Within your account you can designate beneficiaries, monitor monthly contributions, estimate your benefits you will receive in retirement among many other things.
What is the NC Teacher Retirement System?
The North Carolina Retirement System is a division of State Treasurer. The Teachers and State Employees Retirement System is a 401(A) defined benefit plan. A defined benefit means your Retirement income is based on a formula that calculates a guaranteed monthly lifetime benefit.
As a current or former North Carolina Retirement Systems member, you have access to Orbit. This secure online portal allows you to view your years of service contributions and take action in naming beneficiaries, creating custom benefit estimates, applying for Retirement, and so much more.
What are the eligibility requirements to retire?
You may retire with an unreduced benefit if you meet 1 of the three criteria:
- Reach age 65 and complete 5 years of membership service
- Reach age 60 and complete 25 years of creditable service
- Complete 30 years of creditable service at any age
You may retire early with a reduced benefit if you meet 1 of the following criteria:
- Reach age 50 and complete 20 years of creditable service
- Reach age 60 and complete 5 years of membership service
Are there other retirement savings plans available?
Yes, Rowan Salisbury Schools offers our employees the option to enroll in supplemental retirement plans. We offer 401(k), 403(B) and a 457. Please get in touch with the Benefits Specialist for information on how to enroll. Or contact your State Counselor at 1-866-627-5267.
How can I get a manual estimate calculation?
A manual estimate calculation can be made once you are within a year of your Retirement. To start this process, call (919) 814-4590 or email us at nc.retirement@nctreasurer.com and request a Form 309. If you would like more information on how the calculation is done, you can look in the teacher and state employee retirement system handbook under resources
Remember, the estimators in ORBIT are meant to be used as a general source of information for retirements, transfer benefits, and service purchase calculations.
Who can I contact to discuss my Retirement?
Alex Paige, Employee Relations and Benefits Specialist, Rowan Salisbury Schools
500 N. Main St, Salisbury, NC 28144
Retirement Systems Division: