• What is Opportunity Culture?

    Opportunity Culture is to help highly skilled, master teachers keep making a direct impact on students while giving them opportunities to increase their responsibilities - and compensation. This is a unique staffing model used to create equity and opportunity for staff and students. Many school districts and states are adopting the Opportunity Culture model, developed by Public Impact,  a North Carolina-based organization and used in many N.C. districts.

kids playing keyboards
  • Where is OC happening?

    Hanford Dole Elementary School

    China Grove Elementary School

    Granite Quarry Elementary School

    Hurley Elementary School


    Opportunity Culture is Guided by the Following Key Principles:

    • Teachers lead the way. Each Opportunity Culture school creates a team of teachers who decide which aspects of the model fit their school best. This is a sub-set of the Teacher-Led Design Team for the schools in Rowan-Salisbury.


    • Many more students are reached with excellent teaching. Excellent teachers - those who typically make about 1½ years of progress each year with their students - reach more students directly or by leading teaching teams.


    • Pay supplements are funded through reallocating current school budgets, making the higher pay sustainable over time.


    • Teachers gain more protected, school-day planning and collaboration time, achieved through careful scheduling, and clarity about how to use that time.


    • Accountability matches the responsibilities of each person. Teachers can focus on their best subjects and roles, with accountability matching what they take on.