- Student Fees 2025
Student Fees
Make all of your school-related expenses quick and easy using the School Cash Online platform. You can pay for all student fees online using this quick tool.
School Cash Online is a secure platform for parents to make secure online payments for all school-related expenses.
Item Cost Explanation iPad $20.00 Recorder $6.00
Item Cost Explanation iPad $20.00 Lock (locker) $10.00 max Schools require school-purchased locks on lockers as a safety issue which allows school personnel access when deemed necessary. Uniform (PE) $20.00 max Lock (PE) $10.00
Item Cost Explanation iPad User Fee $20.00 Device Usage PSAT $17.00 Fee is for students who choose to take the PSAT. Art $20.00 Fee is for students who choose to take art courses above Art I. Band $250.00 max Fee is for uniform maintenance costs and is charged to all students who are issued a band uniform. College & Career Promise Courses $30.00 Fee for students who choose to take a CCP course taught by a dual enrollment instructor. Graduation Cap & Gown $35.00 Fee for cap and gown unit, which includes: cap, gown, tassel, and hood Gym Suits $20.00 The requirement for gym suits is determined by each school. Lifetime Recreational Sports $20.00 Fee covers the entrance/participation fees and transportation costs for all off-campus activities. Lock (locker) $10.00 Schools require school-purchased locks as a safety issue which allows school personnel access when deemed necessary. Elective PE Courses $15.00 Fee to cover the cost of towels, detergent, and any needed supplies for all elective PE courses above the 9th-grade required course. Parking Permits $35.00 Fee for parking on high school campus. Science Lab $10.00 Fee to cover the cost of lab materials. Sports Medicine/Kinesiology $10.00 Fee to cover supplies needed Driver Education Course $65.00 Fee for Driver Education course HIGH SCHOOL TRANSCRIPTS
Item Cost Explanation Transcript* $10.00 Official transcript requested by a former student. Each student will receive an official transcript free of charge upon graduation. Medical/Immunization Records $10.00 *Transcripts should be obtained by using our online application.:Click here to order your transcript.
Rowan-Salisbury Schools uses School Cash Online for student fees. Use the link below to go to their site and log in. If this is your first time using School Cash Online, you will need to register your account.